Dec 6, 2019 -- Posted by : admin


Checkpoint Systems, a leading global supplier of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), RFID solutions and Alpha High-Theft Solutions for the retail industry, today added the Alpha OPAL Tag to its line of specialized tags to protect against retail footwear theft. 

The one-piece alarming tag easily clamps onto footwear that is challenging to protect. The ratcheting compression mechanism attaches to the shoe or merchandise – no pin or lanyard required, and no marks left behind after removal.  

According to Stuart Rosenthal, Vice President of Sales for Checkpoint’s Alpha High-Theft Solutions, “Our first OPAL adaptors are reporting significant reductions in theft incidents as well as ease of use and quick removal at the point of sale — making this solution a win for both retailers and consumers.”

Key features of the OPAL include the following: 

•    2 Alarm
•    Available in AM or RF technology
•    Rubber pad helps prevent markings as well as increases friction to prevent defeat
•    Easy, one-handed application and removal
•    Unobtrusive – will not hinder the customer’s ability to try on shoes
•    Lightweight
•    Unlocks with an Alpha S3 HandKey, Multi-Detacher or Super S3 Key

Available Immediatley 


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